
Updated on 11/08/2024
Students are encouraged to begin registering for the 2024-2025 winter season. PIAA Preparticipation forms (1st sport played at SV during the school year) and PIAA Recertification forms (2nd and third sports) are available on the website under the PHYSICAL section. If a winter sport is the first sport a student-athlete is playing during the 2024-2025 school year, he/she must return a white PIAA Preparticipation Physical Form. If a student-athlete played a fall sport for the school, he/she must complete and return a blue PIAA Recertification form. In addition to being online, these forms are available in the high school office, middle school office and athletic office.
The deadline for HS winter paperwork is Thursday, November 14 with the HS season starting on Friday, November 15. The deadline for JH winter paperwork is Friday, November 22 with the season starting on Monday, November 25.
Winter athletic physicals are scheduled for Wednesday, November 6 starting at 6:00 pm in the high school gym area. All student-athletes must turn in their PIAA Preparticipation Form no later than Tuesday, November 5 to participate in the school athletic physicals. In addition, students should sign up for an appointment time using Sign-Up Genius Click to sign up –
If there are any issues with the Sign-up Genius appointment time, please contact the athletic office at 610-916-5490. For this year’s physicals, there will be no cost for participation. We want to make sure everyone can easily obtain a physical given the current financial climate.
If a winter sport is the first sport a student is participating in during the 2023-2024 school year, the student must attend this physical exam or have received a physical exam from a private physician after May 1, 2024 according to PIAA rules. Prior to attending the school-sponsored physical, a student should return a completed Preparticipation Physical Evaluation form signed by the parent/guardian and the student. High school students should return the form to the athletic office as soon as possible. Middle school students should return this form to the main office in the middle school as soon as possible.
Students who played a fall sport do not need a second physical. To register for a winter sport, these students should complete and return a blue Recertification form (1 page) as soon as possible. Returning a Preparticipation Physical Evaluation form or a Recertification form will enable a student to be placed on a roster for the winter athletic season and will indicate to the winter coach that the student should be contacted about open gyms and practices.