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The Schuylkill Valley School District implemented a Wall of Fame started in 2012 and inducted its first class during the 2013-2014 school year.   

Rules for Selection

The nominee must be out of high school at least 8 years. One or more of the following must be met to be considered for induction:

  • The nominee must have achieved recognition at the national, state, and/or district level.

  • The nominee must have contributed immeasurably to the Schuylkill Valley School District.

  • The nominee must have achieved high honors in academics, athletics, vocational, art, and/or music.

Process of Selection

  • The Committee will solicit nominations via the district website, alumni Facebook pages or websites, the district newsletter, and through local media.

  • The Committee will craft a list of finalists that is double the maximum number of inductees.

  • The inaugural class will have a maximum of 10 inductees.

The list of finalists for the inaugural class will be 20 nominees.

  • Future classes will have a maximum of 5 inductees from 10 finalists.

  • The Committee will develop a bio list for the ballot from the nomination forms and will select the number of finalists required. A 75% vote of Committee members is required for a nominee to achieve induction.

  • The Committee will consist of at least 16 members including the Extracurricular Committee of the School Board of Directors (4), the Superintendent or his/her designee (1), the Athletic Director (1), the high school Principal or his/her designee (1), the Student Senate advisor (1), 3 members of the High School Student Senate, and community members (5).  Community members may include members of the SV faculty and staff.

  • If a nominee is a relative of a committee member, the committee member will excuse him or herself from the selection process for that nominee.



  • Inductees will be informed of their selection after the final vote and will be requested to attend a luncheon on the Saturday of Homecoming weekend.

  • Inductees will be presented to the public at the Homecoming game and will address the assembled guests at the formal induction during the luncheon.

  • The inductee, presenter, and one guest will be invited to attend the luncheon free of charge.

CLICK HERE for a Schuylkill Valley Wall of Fame Nomination Form to download, print and submit.

You can also fill out an online nomination form by clicking HERE.